The “Citizen Kane” of cinematic graphic novels
New on video '300' 4 stars (2007, Warner Bros.; 117 minutes) Listen up, men! And women! But not kids! If you thought "Gladiator" was a bit too stingy with the bloodshed, if you felt "Sin City" could have been more stylized, if you HATE it when the masses refer to...
‘300,’ ’10 MPH’ out on DVD
"300" When you've seen visual spectacles like "300" at a theater, you always worry about how they'll play in the smaller confines of your den. At least in this case, there's no letdown. This adaptation of Frank Miller's graphic novel about Sparta's King Leonidas...
SDCC 2009: We Talk ‘Gamer’ with Writer-Directors Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor!
We just chatted with Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, the writer-director team behind Gamer (and the Crank saga). And we asked them what other films they drew inspiration from in making their upcoming videogame thriller. Find out what they had to say after the jump!...
Going Into Battle With ‘300’
The men bare their chests while the blood spurts in slow-motion excess in "300," the film version of Frank Miller's graphic novel that turned into a box office sensation last spring. Fans of this CGI-dominated take on the battle of Thermopylae -- which raked in $455...
Why 300 Was So Awesome
As any hot-blooded, red-meat-eating, lesbian-loving man will gladly tell you, Frank Miller’s 300 is the pinnacle of human artistic achievement. But, what exactly made this movie so awesome? Was it the blood? Was it the unwavering spirit of the Spartans? Was it the...
The ‘300’ 2 Disc DVD Coming July 31st (Blog)
Our new hero is Zack Snyder. Not only is the lucky dude the lotto winner who gets to direct the upcoming graphic novel adaptation of Alan Moore's The Watchmen, but he's also the man behind the pop culture smash hit and one of our favorite films, Frank Miller's '300.'...
300 – DVD of the Month
Category: Movies Genre: Action & Adventure DVD of the week 300 Genre: Action/Drama Cast: Gerard Butler – King leonidas Dominic West – Heron Outline: tis spring, 480 BC Persian King Xerxes, continuing his fathers, Darius, master plan to conquer the Hellenic...
Pirates, Monsters And Babies, Oh My! (Blog)
The 2007 SyFy Genre Awards broken down just for you While fans tend to cast their vote for their favorite movies by buying tickets at the box office, those who would rather let the actors and actresses battle it out online will have a diverse choice when it comes to...
300 – DVD of the Month
Category: Movies Genre: Action & Adventure DVD of the week 300 Genre: Action/Drama Cast: Gerard Butler – King leonidas Dominic West – Heron Outline: tis spring, 480 BC Persian King Xerxes, continuing his fathers, Darius, master plan to conquer the Hellenic...
Pirates, Monsters And Babies, Oh My! (Blog)
The 2007 SyFy Genre Awards broken down just for you While fans tend to cast their vote for their favorite movies by buying tickets at the box office, those who would rather let the actors and actresses battle it out online will have a diverse choice when it comes to...
Beowulf & Grendel Blu-ray Disc Release Date Revealed
A Starz Home Entertainment sales flier appearing on has confirmed the initial batch of planned Starz (Anchor Bay) Blu-ray Disc titles, and offers release dates as well. Starz will kick off their Blu-ray era with a bang on October 2 with the release of...
2007 At The Movies: The First Half (Blog)
HOME NEWS MOVIE REVIEWS DVD REVIEWS TRAILERS CONTESTS OPINIONS ARCHIVES MEET THE REJECTS The month of June has just ended, marking the completion of the first half of the year. With six months down, it seems like a good time to take a look back at the year so far....
2007 At The Movies: The First Half (Blog)
HOME NEWS MOVIE REVIEWS DVD REVIEWS TRAILERS CONTESTS OPINIONS ARCHIVES MEET THE REJECTS The month of June has just ended, marking the completion of the first half of the year. With six months down, it seems like a good time to take a look back at the year so far....
The 300….aka greatest movie ever (Blog)
This Frank Miller epic is a film adaptation of the story of 300 spartans. The film is fantastic, the story flows wonderfully, the plot is fantastic, the character development was done perfectly, and the special effects are definitely awe-inspiring. Gerard Butler, who...
The 300….aka greatest movie ever (Blog)
This Frank Miller epic is a film adaptation of the story of 300 spartans. The film is fantastic, the story flows wonderfully, the plot is fantastic, the character development was done perfectly, and the special effects are definitely awe-inspiring. Gerard Butler, who...
2007 At The Movies: The First Half (Blog)
The month of June has just ended, marking the completion of the first half of the year. With six months down, it seems like a good time to take a look back at the year so far. Like every year, it has had its ups and downs. Looking back at the films that have already...
2007 At The Movies: The First Half (Blog)
The month of June has just ended, marking the completion of the first half of the year. With six months down, it seems like a good time to take a look back at the year so far. Like every year, it has had its ups and downs. Looking back at the films that have already...
Script Review For ‘Escape From New York’ Remake Hits Net (Blog)
Back in March, Variety reported on a bidding war for the rights to remake John Carpenter's action classic Escape From New York. When the dust settled, New Line emerged victorious and the project was put together as a starring vehicle for 300's Gerard Butler. Now,...
Script Review: Escape From New York Re-Make
We've got a script review from an IESB reader. You guys know we don't do script reviews very often, but, this guy felt like he had something to say, so why the hell not, it's a slow news week. Here you go! Hey guys, I've had the Escape from New York script in my...
Escape From New York Remake Script (Blog)
We've known for a few months now that New Line was remaking Escape from New York, this time with Gerard Butler as Snake Plissken (the role in the original that's probably most responsible for catapulting Kurt Russell to fame). I really liked Butler's portrayal as...