Law Abiding Citizen Movie Trailer

The film Law Abiding Citizen, starring Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler (and produced by Butler's Shingle, Evil Twins) has gone through a lot of changes. Kurt Wimmer (Equilibrium) wrote the original script, which was re-written by Frank Darabont. At one point, Darabont...

Watch: Awesome Trailer for Law Abiding Citizen

Gerard Butler and Jaime Foxx are starring in a thrilling drama that takes on the justice system in this country where murders, rapists and other psychopaths go free at the expense of the victims family. An everyday guy decides to take justice into his own hands after...

Law Abiding Citizen trailer online

Gerard Butler really does kick some ass in this first trailer for Law Abiding Citizen, don't Scottish guys play bad guys so well. Especially naked bad guys surrendering themselves to the police. Yes ladies, there's some Butler body on display! They've done a good job...

Gerard Butler Gamer interview (Blog)

I don't often write about straight reviews or behind the scenes promotional clips, but this one of Gerard Butler has two things. First it has Gerard Butler who seems such a cool, rounded bloke, and who I'm a bit biased towards for various reasons, but also because the...

Law Abiding Citizen gets a release date

Remember when Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler were painting the town red last winter? They were filming F. Gary Gray's Law Abiding Citizen and production company Overture just announced that the flick will hit theaters Fri., Oct. 16. From the press release: LAW...

SDCC 09: Gamer Talk from Neveldine and Taylor

Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor are not known for quiet, thoughtful dramas, taylor made for the Lifetime channel. Crank 2 can easily be described as an all out orgy of carnage and psychotic behavior, but Gamer is a whole different animal. This is a near future in an...

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