A working-class heartwarmer

Set in a Scottish port city, 'Dear Frankie' is infused with tender family feeling. "Dear Frankie" stars Emily Mortimer as a single mother who creates a make-believe dad to compensate for the one her 9-year-old son has already got. Lizzie (Mortimer), Frankie (Jack...

Dear Frankie – People Magazine Review

CRITIC'S CHOICE DRAMA A young deaf boy, Frankie (Jack McElhone), tracks on a map the peregrinations of the merchant ship on which his mother (Mortimer) has told him his absent father is working. He eagerly pores over the letters that arrive for him from exotic foreign...

A mother’s love knows no bounds

DEAR FRANKIE. With Emily Mortimer, Gerard Butler, Jack McElhone. Director Shona Auerbach. (1:45) At Angelika, Lincoln Square. PG: Language. It sounds like the scenario for a sitcom: Single mother of deaf kid pays stranger to be father for a day - entanglements ensue....


So much of our sense of contemporary Glasgow has come from the films of Ken Loach that one initially reacts to first-time feature director Shona Auerbach and writer Andrea Gibb as interlopers. However, Dear Frankie is neither facsimile of, nor poor cousin to, Loach’s...

Dear Frankie Review – SF Guardian

Dear Frankie Shona Auerbach's first feature is a Scottish seriocomedy that's bittersweet but perhaps just a little too low-key for its own good. Nine-year-old Frankie (Jake McElhone), his mother, Lizzie (Emily Mortimer), and grandmother Nell (Mary Riggans) are...


A little back story before the focus moves to the star of this yarn, the lovely and amazing Emily Mortimer. That's not showbiz puffery -- it's how she was described in a film with those adjectives in the title. Mortimer's new movie, "Dear Frankie," was set to be in...

Film notoriety awaits Beowulf

He is the original action hero, a fearless Norse warrior who slew a murderous troll and helped inspire Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. And he is coming to a multiplex near you. The race to turn Beowulf, the hero of the first great written English poem, into a box-office...

Beowulf Cuts Loose

s Gerald Butle worth 900 million krour? Visitors to Skógar have up until now usually come in small groups and go there for the stunning Skógarfoss waterfall or visiting the Skógar Folk Museum. These days, however, hovering around the waterfall you will find hundreds...

Iceland Films

Chances are most Canadians know very little about the ancient or even modern history of the North Atlantic island called Iceland. But a Toronto-based, Iceland-born movie director is hoping change all of that next year as he brings an early chapter of Iceland's ancient...

Very First Stills of Gerard Butler as Beowulf

We have the very first look at Gerard Butler (Phantom of the Opera) as Beowulf, from the forthcoming Beowulf and Grendel. You can see two still in the gallery for the movie, here. The second one show Beowulf fighting off some theives. We also had a peek at some more...

Beowulf goes to Hollywood

Hollywood's never-ending quest for epic material has taken it back to "the first horror story" - Beowulf, the Old English poem of monster versus man. Two film versions of the eighth-century Saxon work are under way as studios rush to capitalise on the fascination with...

‘Beowulf’ Pic Set to Slay Hollywood

[color=darkred]GB.Net Note - This is [b]NOT[/b] the project [i][b] Beowulf & Grendel[/i][/b] that Gerard is appearing in.[/color] LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - One of the oldest poems in English literature is being turned into a Hollywood movie. "Beowulf,"...

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