Beowulf and Grendel

[Canada/UK/Iceland; Sturla Gunnarsson] How could I resist? With all the noise around The Lord of the Rings, this classic story was ripe for the telling. In fact, it's being told twice; here and in a film scripted by Neil Gaiman and Roger Avery. To be honest, I really...

Calgary film fest fever heats up

CALGARY - The Calgary International Film Festival is growing by leaps and bounds and no one is happier than David Marrelli, the festival's director. In its first year, the festival hosted 60 films evenly split between full-length features and short films. There were...

Hot list

Buyers to take a close look at these pix in Toronto A rundown of the films buyers say they'll be taking a close look at in Toronto: [b] BEOWULF & GRENDEL: A U.K./Canadian/Icelandic adaptation, helmed by Sturla Gunnarsson. Icelandic heavy cast includes Gerard...

Water to make a big splash at film festival

Deepa Mehta's Water will kick off the 24th Vancouver International Film Festival, which unveils its 300-film program today. The 16-day festival begins Sept. 29 with the opening night gala Water, by the Indian-born, Toronto-based director Mehta. Completing her...

At Play in the Fields of Odin: Shooting Beowulf

This article is in PDF format, click the link below to access: [b][/b] Then click on "Sturla Gunnarsson and Beowulf" The scene is set at the top of an Icelandic mountain. This isn’t fog. You’re inside cloud, and the rain is blowing...

Three Icelandic films in Toronto

Baltasar Kormakur’s first English language film A Little Trip to Heaven and Sturla Gunnarsson’s epic film Beowulf and Grendel have been invited to screen at Toronto International Film Festival ’s Special Presentations this year among 41 films from 17 countries, while...

Beowulf & Grendel

Toronto International Film Festival 2005 Director: Sturla Gunnarsson Writer: Andrew Rai Berzins Producers: Paul Stephens, Eric Jordan, Sturla Gunnarsson (Canada); Michael Cowan, Jason Piette (U.K.); Anna Maria Karlsdottir, Fridrik Thor Fridriksson (Iceland) Cast:...

Hollywood hopes to rake it in

Redford-Lopez drama opens a season that includes international intrigue with Nicolas Cage, airline thrills with Jodie Foster and more Tim Burton weirdness After an unseasonably chilly summer -- bottom line: attendance down more than 11 percent -- Hollywood's optimists...

Post-Brosnan, Bond is a tough suit to fill

With production set to begin in January on the 21st Bond picture, "Casino Royale," the dashing movie hero who dates back to the '60s might as well be missing in action. The latest Bond film, "Die Another Day," starring Pierce Brosnan, was released by MGM in 2002. But...

Scandanavian film industry

The next generation of Scandinavian filmmakers is emerging from the long shadow of the Dogme movement to make Hollywood-style crowd-pleasers. Blond ambition : The next generation of Scandinavian filmmakers is emerging from the long shadow of the Dogme movement to make...

He Can Relate to Roles That Have Mysteries

He played the lead role in a British film, “Dear Frankie,” (directed by Shona Auerbach) which is currently being shown in theaters. It is a tale of love within a family, taking place in a seaside town, near Glasgow. A mother of a boy with a hearing impairment...

In Depth: Beowulf: The Movie(s)

A Comprehensive Look at the (Brief) List of Cinematic Adaptations of the English Language's Most Enduring Epic Poem From the cover of the graphic novel by Gareth Hinds. Literally hundreds of “muscle-man” films exist that are attributed to the great, masculine myths of...

Toronto film fest to screen Owen retrospective

When Don Owen's Nobody Waved Goodbye premiered in 1964, critics said it offered such a stifling picture of Toronto that even Torontonians were put off by the city. Seems strange then that the Toronto International Film Festival would choose it as part of a...

Dear Frankie DVD Review

Guide Rating - 4 1/2 Stars out of 5 The Bottom Line I was extremely disappointed when Miramax pulled "Dear Frankie" from its 2004 release calendar. Had it found its way into theaters last year, "Dear Frankie" would have had a spot on my Top 10 list of the Best Films...

An unexpected jewel

Dear Frankie I've purchased many items from Amazon based on reviews. The beauty of the net is you'll most often get the unbridled truth. So here's mine: If you're looking for a sweet, finely-crafted and moving story, get this one. I admit it. I'm crazy about Gerard...

What’s new on video

("Dear Frankie." Miramax. DVD. 106 min. Rated PG-13. $29.99. In stores July 5. Grade: B+.) "Dear Frankie" is the sort of film that would never have been made by an American studio. It's too warm, too sweet _ too devoid of explosions. Start with the bittersweet...

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