300 Reviews FRESH So Far

Rotten Tomatoes has posted four reviews so far. All four are GOOD. When a fifth review is posted, 300 will be on the Tomatometer. The link above will take you to the 300 page. There are two user reviews as well. Anyone who registers can post a review.

300 Reviews FRESH So Far

Rotten Tomatoes has posted four reviews so far. All four are GOOD. When a fifth review is posted, 300 will be on the Tomatometer. The link above will take you to the 300 page. There are two user reviews as well. Anyone who registers can post a review.

Zane Holtz Comes Aboard “Hunter Killer”

Millennium Films" submarine action-thriller has added another member to its crew, drafting Zane Holtz for a key role in the story about an untested sub captain teamed with an elite military unit to rescue the Russian president from an ongoing military coup. Joining...

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