The Best /Worst of 2007 (So Far)
It used to be a pure Memorial Day kind of thing. Teens, fresh out of classes and ready to spend, would line up all over this great land of ours, celebrating the memory of those who died to keep us free by going to see a major studio popcorn pic. Like Jerry Lewis’...
The Best /Worst of 2007 (So Far)
It used to be a pure Memorial Day kind of thing. Teens, fresh out of classes and ready to spend, would line up all over this great land of ours, celebrating the memory of those who died to keep us free by going to see a major studio popcorn pic. Like Jerry Lewis’...
Lakeshore controlling ‘Game’
CANNES -- Lakeshore Entertainment is reuniting with "Crank" creators Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor for the Gerard Butler starrer "Game." The high-concept thriller takes place in the near future, when mind-control technology has taken society by storm. In this...
Butler’s Game
300 star teaming with Crank team. May 16, 2007 - Gerard Butler (300) will star in the thriller Game for Lakeshore Entertainment and Crank creators Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor. Neveldine and Taylor will script and direct Game, which begins filming in January....
Brad Pitt as He-Man (BLOG)
By the Power of Greyskull! Could this be true??? According to The Sun Online, via Moviehole, He-Man, the totally awesome 80’s cartoon, has been picked up by Legendary Pictures and the folks over there are looking to give the show a reboot with a new and updated live...
Bogus Brit Rumor of the Day: Brad Pitt to Play He-Man? (BLOG)
Bogus Brit Rumor of the Day: Brad Pitt to Play He-Man? I'm sorry, but you have to hand it to them Brits for taking a fairly bland rumor and adding to it a whole lot of pizazz. According to The Sun Online (which, right there, means take everything I'm about to say with...
Brad Pitt as He-Man (BLOG)
By the Power of Greyskull! Could this be true??? According to The Sun Online, via Moviehole, He-Man, the totally awesome 80’s cartoon, has been picked up by Legendary Pictures and the folks over there are looking to give the show a reboot with a new and updated live...
Bogus Brit Rumor of the Day: Brad Pitt to Play He-Man? (BLOG)
Bogus Brit Rumor of the Day: Brad Pitt to Play He-Man? I'm sorry, but you have to hand it to them Brits for taking a fairly bland rumor and adding to it a whole lot of pizazz. According to The Sun Online (which, right there, means take everything I'm about to say with...
Brad’s Pitt part in He-Man
BRAD PITT is Master Of The Universe in most girls’ eyes. But he could land the title for real by starring as He-Man in the next nostalgic movie remake. Legendary Pictures — the team behind Superman Returns — are set to give the Eighties cartoon the 2007 treatment. A...
The GOOD, The BAD, and the MOVIES (BLOG)
I’m not typically the one to write reviews on anything, and it’s not that I don’t have the desire, it’s just that I like to leave that up to the more skilled and qualified, like my buddy, Doug. So, when I decided to take the reigns this time and do a little blurb on...
The GOOD, The BAD, and the MOVIES (BLOG)
I’m not typically the one to write reviews on anything, and it’s not that I don’t have the desire, it’s just that I like to leave that up to the more skilled and qualified, like my buddy, Doug. So, when I decided to take the reigns this time and do a little blurb on...
Guys Choice SPIKE TV Award (Blog)
Spike TV is giving the biggest shout-outs in television history to the things guys love most with the first annual GUYS CHOICE. In what is sure to be the signature event for the channel, Spike TV will rely on its millions of rabid viewers to pick who is the best of...
Guys Choice SPIKE TV Award (Blog)
Spike TV is giving the biggest shout-outs in television history to the things guys love most with the first annual GUYS CHOICE. In what is sure to be the signature event for the channel, Spike TV will rely on its millions of rabid viewers to pick who is the best of...
Random Update (BLOG)
[b]Well I finally saw 300! And it was AWESOME! The special effects were amazing and I loved the combination of slow motion and real time in the battle scenes, really effective. It also had great one-liners (kinda reminded me of the Oceans 11 and 12 movies but with...
Random Update (BLOG)
[b]Well I finally saw 300! And it was AWESOME! The special effects were amazing and I loved the combination of slow motion and real time in the battle scenes, really effective. It also had great one-liners (kinda reminded me of the Oceans 11 and 12 movies but with...
This is Sparta… (blog)
During my absense from blogging, I did write one article which is the review of 300. I watched it on the opening week but never finish the review. That was quite a while ago but since I haven't post a review in a while, what the hell, here it is... I saw 300 and IT....
Cinema – Ready To Rumble
300, the latest adaptation of a Frank Miller graphic novel, opens on such a dramatic, overwhelming note, most of your senses are shattered in the first ten minutes. But that’s OK, says UP Front, because the epic knob is turned to 11 for the entire film anyway… Most...
On Screen – 300 (blog)
A ferocious battle comes to life with ‘300’, a movie unusual for more than just its name. A retelling of the ancient battle of Thermopylae, fought between 300 Spartan soldiers led by King Leonidas against the might of the million strong Persian forces under Xerxes,...
300 Big Ones (blog)
Last Sunday night I saw the film adaptation of Frank Miller’s graphic novel, 300. I haven’t read the novel, if you’re wondering, and had seen very little by way of previews, reviews or anything much to do with the film bar a smattering of comments made by the Internet...
Graphic novel comes to life in 300
The movie 300, which opened recently, is a dramatic retelling of the historic Battle of Thermopylae between 300 Spartans and the entire Persian army, numbering somewhere in the hundreds of thousands. Based on a graphic novel by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley, the movie...