300 Reviews

300 – The Movie (blog)

I saw 300 on Wednesday night after a most hearty dinner at Ristorante Machiavelli. I had only watched the trailer a few weeks ago; that it was based on a Frank Miller novel piqued my interest. Before I proceed, I'd like to say that I like ancient history; stories...

300 a well narrated epic story

If you are fascinated by ancient Greek history, mythology, legends, epics and culture, here’s a treat for you. 300 weaves all these together and presents it in the form of an epic movie on the Battle of Thermopylae, fought by 300 Spartan warriors against a million...

300 Reigns Supreme

A movie of epic proportions, 300 is a film that balances scenes of intense and extreme violence with scenes of intense and suggestive politics. Not trying too hard to implore a hard-thinking plot or realistic battles, this film is a fan boy's dream. Directed by Zach...

Not Much Underneath Epic Film 300’s Flashy Exterior

There are not many new movies that are as much fun to watch as Zach Snyder's (who directed the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead) new film, 300. Adapted from Frank Miller's graphic novel, which combines a classic narrative with jaw-dropping visuals, 300 is a unique...

300: Don’t act like it’s your I.Q.

I have a confession to make. I have yet to see 300 in theatres, which one might assume to be a prerequisite for any sort of column on it. However, the critical backlash against the film, which attacks it from an overwhelmingly concussive number of angles, is such that...

Spartan warriors do battle in bloody scenes

Copyright 2007 Nationwide News Pty Limited 300 (MA) *** IT'S ridiculous to protest that Zack Snyder's film 300 is not historically accurate. This is a film based on a comic book and it doesn't even stay true to that. The 300 referred to in the title are the 300...

The might of Sparta

Based on the graphic novel by ‘Sin City’ creator Frank Miller, ‘300’ tells the story of the legendary battle of Thermopylae, when a small army of 300 Spartans took on the might of the Persian king Xerxes and his vast and invincible army. Using state of the art...

Movie Review – Frank Miller’s 300 – Dine in Hell!

Ah this is about the only movie I've really really wanted to watch for quite some time, partially due to loving Frank Miller's work, liking Sin City a lot and having endless people telling me how great it is. Gerard Butler was really good as King Leonides, the fury in...

300: Frank’s take (blog)

Co-writer/director Zack Snyder's 300 is a starving fanboy's odyssey drenched in eye-popping, rustic opulence. Artistically triumphant in its arresting visual spectacle, Snyder's historical action-adventure oozes with technological magnificence, finds Frank....

Film Review: 300 – “Prepare for Glory!” (blog)

Trotted off to see the Zack Snyder (”Dawn of the Dead”) directed film “300″ last week. Based on Frank Miller’s graphic novel, “300″ concerns the 480 B.C. Battle of Thermopylae, where the King of Sparta led his army against the advancing Persians; the battle is said to...

Review: 300 Movie – will remain a favorite

If you’ve seen the trailer, you know that the movie looks full of obscenely ridiculous action sequences that would kick unholy amounts of arse. The movie is a two hour, R-rated version of that trailer. It inspires many an exagerrated obscene comment, but it’s...

The List: hot new items worthy of an obsession

“300,” a war movie comparable to “Gladiator” and “Troy,” was released in theaters March 9. Based on the epic graphic novel by Frank Miller, the movie fiercely retells the ancient battle of Thermopylae in which King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) and 300 Spartans fought to...

On 10,000 and 300 (blog)

... So that was the 10,000 portion, now let me move on to 300. If you are not familiar, 300 is inspired by the Battle of Thermopylae, in which 300 Spartans led a small army of Greeks (estimated at 7,000), using the natural terrain of a narrow pass, held off the...

300! is a Rootin’ Tootin’ Heroic Movie!

[b]This is a comment to a review by El Bicho posted earlier on 03/30 [/b] You may have noted that the movie "300!" is clobbering all competitors at the box office, seen varying reviews, and wondered if it was worth it. In a word, absolutely! The plot is...

Movie Review – 300

First a “comic book movie” was Superman – fighting big evil in bold colors. It’s taken more than a generation, but the state of graphic novel adaptations today is rather extraordinary, as filmmakers and the technology at their disposal gradually evolve to meet the...

A new lesson in history

Any of the flaws of 300, and there are a few, are quickly forgotten when you see the amazing graphics and battle sequences created by Zack Snyder. The story is based on the Frank Miller novel, which recounts the tale of the 300 Spartan warriors who set out to stop the...

“300” a visual bonanza

"300" may not be the most sophisticated war epic to hit the big screen, but with its series of mesmerizing tableaux and extreme graphic violence the film unquestionably succeeds in dazzling its audience. In other words: Watching "300" is like watching a video game...

From The Pitts: 300 Is a bloody, exciting good time

Apparently the only option more appealing than watching half naked hotties soak up the sun at crazy beach parties during this year's spring break was watching half-naked hotties impale each other with spears. If 300's massive current box-office numbers prove anything,...

A strong force

Imagine 300 warriors with enough skill in battle and the determination to change the Greek world forever. Then add stunning visual graphics and an absorbing storyline. Mix those all together and 300 is what you will get. In short, 300 gets platinum status. This is...

Tonight we dine in Hell (blog)

300 Spartans against quite a few Persians. It’s quite a well known story from history and it was the subject of that wonderful graphic novel 300 and now the film of the same name. I went to see said film today, and my copy of the graphic novel is in the post. From the...

Victor Davis Hanson: With Your Shield or On It (blog)

Zack Snyder’s 300: a spirited take on a clash of civilizations On Monday night in Hollywood I attended an advance screening of the entertaining new Zack Snyder movie 300, starring Gerard Butler as Leonidas, king of Sparta. This past October, I had seen an earlier...

Movie Review : 300

The movie is an adaptation of the graphic novel by the same name, written by Frank Miller. The movie recounts the Battle of Thermopylae, where a huge Persian army was met by 300 Spartan soldiers and 1100 other Greek soldiers. The 1400 soldiers were able to hold an...

Because surviving against all odds is just for wimps

[i]Thanks to LESVAN for the article![/i] You can learn a lot at the movies. I walked into 300 thinking Spartan meant minimalist decor, maybe a white leather sofa and a bamboo mat. Turns out the actual Spartans would find that kind of luxury obscene. The soldiers of...

Highly Recommended Viewing: 300 (blog)

Jo and I went to see 300 on Saturday afternoon. At the Manchester Odeon IMAX. Screen the size of an 8-storey building, half a gazillion watts of stereo sound; all of that. It was undoubtedly the most intense cinematic experience of my life. I'm delighted to report...

A fight with real bite

[i]Thanks to crosswest for the heads up![/i] Don’t let the historical inaccuracies put you off — 300 depicts the nobility of war. I have a terrible confession to make. I was watching 300, the spectacular fantasy epic based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller (creator...

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