Translated Text:
Scottish actor Gerard Butler yesterday in the complex KPGT at sugar refineries, under the watchful eye of an enormous number of people from security, filming his first scene in “Coriolanus” and directed by actor Ralph Fiennes.
The team arrived on the set, but at seven o’clock in the morning and afflicts the job using the nice weather. The extras were waiting at the ready “to cameramen arrangements and it worked like a Swiss clock. The team to be convinced “Alo”, which, in the style Å¡unjajući secret agents, the walk site, which are defilovali people dressed in military uniforms, but also a large number of security guards and police who worry about the safety of the actors whose fees are counted millions.
Butler muscular, charming overgrown with beard of several days, barely fit in uniform, which he confirmed his words to practice hard every day to prepare for the role.
In front of the entrance to a popular meeting place tehnoomladine, parked two tanks, on the other hand a great trailer from which to serve food and drinks. In addition to the parking lot, located above the car model Mercedes, we assume, the famous Butler Transport. There’s also a few open coffee-trailer, where actors can not drink coffee.
– A lot of you are fine actors, not izvoljevaju anything, just are modest, and they have raised well, it always occurs with “Hello” – tells us one of the girls from the cafe.
Otherwise, King Leonidas from the hit film “300” is now a harsh Aufidije Tullius, volÅ¡Äanske commander of the army and an avowed enemy of the Roman general Coriolanus, who plays Fiennes.
Original text:
Å kotski glumac Džerard Batler juÄe je u kompleksu KPGT kod Å ećerane, pod budnim okom ogromnog broja ljudi iz obezbeÄ‘enja, snimao svoje prve scene u filmu „Koriolan“ glumca i režisera Ralfa Fajnsa.
Ekipa je na set stigla već u sedam Äasova ujutro i prionula na posao koristeći lepo vreme. I statisti su Äekali „na gotovs“ da se snimatelji rasporede i sve je funkcionisalo kao Å¡vajcarski sat. U to se uverila ekipa „Alo!“, koja je, Å¡unjajući se u stilu tajnih agenata, proÅ¡etala lokacijom kojom su defilovali ljudi obuÄeni u vojniÄke uniforme, ali i veliki broj pripadnika obezbeÄ‘enja i policije koji brinu za sigurnost glumaca Äiji se honorari broje milionima.
MiÅ¡ićavi Batler, Å¡armantno zarastao u bradicu od nekoliko dana, jedva se uvukao u uniformu, Äime je potvrdio svoje reÄi da svakog dana naporno vežba da bi se pripremio za ulogu.
Ispred ulaza u omiljeno sastajalište tehnoomladine, parkirana su dva tenka, a s druge strane velika prikolica iz koje se poslužuju hrana i osvežavajuća pića. Pored parkinga, smešten je noviji model automobila „mercedes“, pretpostavljamo, prevoz slavnog Batlera. Tu je i nekoliko otvorenih kafe-prikolica, gde glumci mogu da popiju kafu.
– Mnogo su fini ti glumci, ne izvoljevaju niÅ¡ta, baÅ¡ su skromni, i svi su lepo vaspitani, uvek se jave s „helou“ – priÄa nam jedna od devojaka iz kafića.
InaÄe, Kralj Leonida iz filmskog hita „300“ sada je surovi Tulije Aufidije, zapovednik volÅ¡Äanske vojske i zakleti neprijatelj rimskog generala Koriolana, koga igra Fajns.