Two Plotlines for Gerard Butler’s “Game”

October 11, 2007 | Gamer News, Uncategorized

Even though “Crank” directors, Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, have already stated that they will be doing a sequel to “Crank,” their next projects will actually be “Game.” There have been two plot summaries floating around the internet, with one being about a mind control game, while the other is more like “Running Man.”

First, Chud explains that the story is about a game called “Slayers,” which works through mind control technology, and players actually control other humans. The “Slayers” champion is Kable, and his latest mission is to break free of the mind control and rediscover his identity.

It was announced at Cannes that Gerard Butler (300) was playing Kable. Now the site adds that Ken Castle, the big bad guy in the film, the guy pulling the strings, will be played by Michael Hall (“Dexter,” “Six Feet Under”).

The second storyline comes from Gamerflicks and a New Mexico newspaper, which says that the plot is now about John Tillman (Butler), a former military man that was framed and handed a sentence of life in prison. The only hope that Tillman has to regain his freedom is to win the Game, a weekly TV show broadcast in 2018 that matches prisoners against each other in deadly combat. With Tillman’s past military training and good physical condition he becomes a star player in the Game, rising through the ranks and earning the attention of millions of fans. Even as Tillman plays the Game in the hopes that he can win his freedom, what he doesn’t know is that there are forces behind the Game’s curtain that don’t want to see him ever get out alive.

While searching for clues, we found a casting call on FilmSavage, which describes the plot as “a futuristic thriller where video games and reality TV merge into an interactive blood sport.” In addition, the studio is “looking for over 4,000 background Warriors both Men & Women, Futuristic Citizens (Think the SIMS Video Game) and all types. Young fit Sexy 20 to 35 something city types, Asian, warriors, Hispanic and African American, multiracial types, All Looks, Unusual types, piercings, tattoos (no gang tattoos).”

While the second plotline does not mention anything about mind control, the casting call clearly states that the game will be interactive and a form of a video game.

Filming will begin on November 3rd in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and will run through January 30th.

Publication: WorstPreviews
Author: editors
Source: Worst Previews

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