Beowulf & Grendel is lost in translation If anyone ever suggests that adapting a thousand-year-old 3182-line Old English epic poem into a movie is easy, laugh. Despite the inherent difficulties, however, Beowulf & Grendel director Sturla Gunnarsson delivers a...

‘Beowulf and Grendel’

Starring Gerard Butler, Sarah Polley, Stellan Skarsgård and Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson as Grendel Directed by Sturla Gunnarsson We are about to swamped with Beowulf films, in the same way we were inundated with Robin Hood outings a while back and other cluster films...

Beowulf & Grendel Go to Canada

We have recently been alerted that the upcoming film Beowulf & Grendel has finally secured a wide release in Canada on March 10th. Besides the release, the good people over at beowulf-grendel have alerted us to two new movie posters for the film as well. We have...

Keeping it real

Editor -- While animation ("Animation brightens our collective imagination," Feb. 8) has its place in society, the thought that it will come to replace other forms of filmmaking boggles the mind. Sorry, but I want to see live human emotions on the screen, not their...

EL rates the top 10 movies of 2005

ONE MOVIE FAN’S OPINION * Good Night and Good Luck - I was taken back 50 years to the Senator Joe McCarthy hearings and was thoroughly engrossed with this film, all done in black and white and combined with actual news coverage. It's an excellent portrayal by David...

New Beowulf & Grendel Poster

If you haven't ever noticed, upcoming actor Gerard Butler has one hell of a fan base. Don't believe me? Take a look at this poll we held some months back. Due to the large, well, attraction to Gerard Butler, we knew it would be foolish of us to pass up the chance to...


In January of 2006, CBR News trekked up to a rather cold Montreal for a personal set visit for the film 300. As the only press on the set that day, we were given incredible access to the stars and producers of the film. All this week, we'll bring you those interviews...


In January of 2006, CBR News trekked up to a rather cold Montreal for a personal set visit for the film 300. As the only press on the set that day, we were given incredible access to the stars and producers of the film. All this week, we'll bring you those interviews...


Dracula has risen from the dead. Again. Cinema's most famous orthodontically-challenged character gets another bite at the cherry with the release of 'Dracula 2001'. This time round, the filmmakers get round the problem of having a pasty vampire by casting a Scotsman,...

Gerard gets his fangs at the ready

Dracula 2001 is a modern-day interpretation of the myth, repackaging the story for a young audience. I play Count Dracula, who has been interred for 100 years until thieves steal his coffin from a London vault. He is unleashed in New Orleans where he returns to his...

Beowulf needs a U.S. distributor

Where to start with such an epic adventure? I almost hesitate to even attempt a recap of the tale, but I’ll go for it. If you’ve ever taken an English class in your collegiate life, then you’ve studied the epic tale of “Beowulf.” Hopefully you paid attention; if you...

Ewan gets his kilt out for Burns Night

WHISKY, haggis and women were in plentiful supply at the most glamorous Burns Night held in the capital. Ewan McGregror was the star turn at the party at the St Martin's Lane Hotel, which raised funds for CLIC Sargent and The Children's Hospice Association Scotland....

Obscure film deserves an audience

This independent foreign film explores a family's problems. You've got to love it when you discover a video you've never heard of before, the one just waiting to be given a chance to tug at your heart. That's what happened with "Dear Frankie," an online rental my wife...

Gerard Butler watch: “I’M BEOWULF!”

Oh dear lord. The BEOWULF & GRENDEL trailer is up -- not to be confused with just BEOWULF, which is the Zemeckis/Gaiman production. But this version stars dear, dear Gerard Butler, who reminds us that long before there was Batman...there was BEOWULF! With a...

The Tarts are here!!

A few more words on BEOWULF AND GRENDEL. I've gotten quite a few emails concerning my remarks about the movie. According to one of these emails, my blog "created a stir on" (Butler being the lead actor in the film), and I figured public forum would be...

BEOWULF director is quite the ladies man

Ok, I'm going to come clean and admit that I don't think I ever read the epic poem of BEOWULF AND GRENDEL in high school. What most likely happened is that I picked up the Cliff Notes version and screeched by on the test. I sincerely regret that now after seeing the...

`Beowulf & Grendel’

Screening: 4 p.m. Nation: Canada/Iceland/United Kingdom Director: Sturla Gunnarsson Synopsis: Director Sturla Gunnarsson ("Such a Long Journey") brings visual panache and psychological depth - as well as touches of humor - to this tale of retribution and revenge,...

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