300 Movie Review
10 out of 10 Stars If you've seen the trailer, you know that the movie looks full of obscenely ridiculous action sequences that would kick unholy amounts of arse. The movie is a two hour, R-rated version of that trailer. It inspires many an exagerrated obscene...
Live Evil
Acting, music and special effects help ‘Dracula’ rise to the occasion at Corvallis Community Theatre Damian Arlyn seems well aware of the immense cinematic tradition that looms over him in his most recent endeavor as director of “Dracula” for Corvallis Community...
ET woman gets royal treatment in Scotland
Linda Williams turned into a celebrity while on vacation in Scotland. People in Greenock, a small town close to Glasgow, greeted her when she entered shops. A taxi driver recognized her, and the mayor provost gave her an official welcome. They had seen her picture in...
The “300” RoadShow hits PARIS, OULALA!
On October 2nd, the "300" RoadShow invaded France, and took over Paris, after an extremely successful first stop in Madrid, the Spanish capital. It was now time to try to seduce "la sexy demoiselle Parisienne". Did it work you ask? You bet it did! In fact, she is so...
The “300” RoadShow hits PARIS, OULALA!
On October 2nd, the "300" RoadShow invaded France, and took over Paris, after an extremely successful first stop in Madrid, the Spanish capital. It was now time to try to seduce "la sexy demoiselle Parisienne". Did it work you ask? You bet it did! In fact, she is so...
dvd mashup: real monsters: ‘Beowulf & Grendel’ and ‘The 13th Warrior’
‘Beowulf & Grendel’ and ‘The 13th Warrior’ Oh, do I love this movie more than I ever could have imagined. I missed Beowulf & Grendel during the 30 seconds it was playing on big screens here in NYC last summer, and I’ve been waiting for the DVD with a mix of...
Zack Snyder presenta en Madrid un avance de la superproducción “300”
El director de cine Zack Snyder presentó en Madrid algunas de las secuencias más espectaculares de la superproducción "300", que se estrenará en marzo de 2007 y que adapta el cómic de Frank Miller basado en la batalla de Esparta contra Persia en el cañón de las...
Zack Snyder presenta en Madrid un avance de la superproducción “300”
El director de cine Zack Snyder presentó en Madrid algunas de las secuencias más espectaculares de la superproducción "300", que se estrenará en marzo de 2007 y que adapta el cómic de Frank Miller basado en la batalla de Esparta contra Persia en el cañón de las...
Ancient ‘Beowulf’ infused with vigor
Iceland-born director Sturla Gunnarsson, who cut his directing teeth in American television with such projects as "Ricky Nelson: Original Teen Idol," returns to his wintry roots for a bold new take on ancient epic poetry in "Beowulf & Grendel." Gunnarsson...
DVD Review – Beowulf & Grendel
In 500 A.D., on the outskirts of Daneland, a murderous troll with the strength of a dozen men regularly invades the Mead Hall of King Hrothgar (Stellan Skarsgard) and slaughters his warriors by the score. To his aid comes the hero Beowulf (Gerard Butler), a legendary...
Butler did it
The Scottish actor shows off his skills in new DVD releases With his striking good looks, irresistible Scottish brogue and magnetic old-Hollywood screen presence, you would think Gerard Butler would be an international superstar of paparazzi-obsessive proportions. The...
Beowulf & Grendel Goes DownUnder
For those of you who are fans of Beowulf & Grendel or just dig Gerard Butler, we have recently been alerted that the film has now found its way into release DownUnder. Beowulf & Grendel Heads to New Zealand MoviesDownUnder is pleased to announce an agreement...
Movie does the improbable, makes Beowulf entertaining
Urgent message to all students taking Intro to English Lit or History of English Lit this semester: As tempting as it looks, do not -- repeat, do not -- skip reading that "Beowulf" assignment and figure you can just see "Beowulf and Grendel" at the Cleveland...
Epic grass-roots triumph
Albany woman spearheads effort to get film broader exposure in U.S. Albany — When it comes to the world of entertainment, Albany isn’t usually mentioned with metropolitan areas such as New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Seattle or San Francisco. But...
Beowulf & Grendel: Sturla Gunnarssons epic poem
Bringing the first epic poem in the English language to the screen was an ambitious endeavour, so it required a director with a deep passion for the Scandinavian mythological tale to make a picture like Beowulf & Grendel, and who better than Icelandic-born...
Nature One of the Characters
Beowulf and Grendel, that was filmed in Iceland in 2004, premiered in Háskólabíó last night. The director Sturla Gunnarsson spoke with Fréttablaðið from Vancouver where he is filming a new television series. “Beowulf and Grendel was shot in Iceland in 47 days in the...
Iceland’s most expensive movie premiered
Beowulf, directed by Sturla Gunnarsson, was premiered last night. The movie, which cost around one billion Icelandic kronas was mostly filmed in Iceland using Icelandic actors. Producers are Friðrik Þór Friðriksson and Anna María Karlsdóttir, and actor Ingvar E....
A FILM fan who fell in love with Inverclyde’s scenery
A FILM fan who fell in love with Inverclyde's scenery because of a movie has paid a visit to the area. Catherine Groger, from near Seattle in America, came to Greenock and Gourock to visit the setting for the film Dear Frankie. The movie, written by Greenock...
Last week I had the chance to see the upcoming movie "300" based on the Frank Miller graphic novel at the first advanced screening Warner Bros. held in Los Angeles. Advanced screenings are an important part of the film development process, as they allow the studio to...
FRANK MILLER’S 300 screened tonight! And…
Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. There was a test screening this night of Zack Snyder's film version of Frank Miller's graphic novel 300. I told ya' the Comic-Con footage was out of this world awesome and now you'll have two guys... one a big Frank Miller fan and the other...