300—Ancient Greek Historical Fantasy (blog)
The movie 300 is based on a story from Greek history, and was rewritten into a movie that recently hit theatres. The opening scenes of the film show the great Spartan warrior Leonidis as a young boy training to become a Spartan soldier. As a young boy of 10, he was...
300 Spartans at the Gates of Fire: Part Two (BLOG)
As mentioned, 300 is generating quite a lot of argument between those who love it or loathe it. Much more than one would expect from a genre movie. Obviously it is touching some nerves. When I saw the film, I observed a rare instance of spontaneous applause breaking...
300 Spartans at the Gates of Fire: Part Two (BLOG)
As mentioned, 300 is generating quite a lot of argument between those who love it or loathe it. Much more than one would expect from a genre movie. Obviously it is touching some nerves. When I saw the film, I observed a rare instance of spontaneous applause breaking...
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson to Host 2007 Taurus World Stunt Awards
The Taurus World Stunt Foundation is pleased to announce that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson will host the 2007 Taurus World Stunt Awards taking place on Sunday, May 20th at Paramount Pictures. The show, which will air domestically on Friday, May 25th at 10:30 p.m. EDT/PDT...
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson to Host 2007 Taurus World Stunt Awards
The Taurus World Stunt Foundation is pleased to announce that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson will host the 2007 Taurus World Stunt Awards taking place on Sunday, May 20th at Paramount Pictures. The show, which will air domestically on Friday, May 25th at 10:30 p.m. EDT/PDT...
RiverRun Reviews
[b]Beowulf & Grendel (3 stars)[/b] Location, location, location. This 2005 feature, a companion screening to the documentary Wrath of Gods about the troubled production of Beowulf & Grendel, is distinguished by the remote and ruggedly beautiful settings in...
‘300’ pumps up the testosterone
"Spartans, ready your breakfast and eat hearty ... for tonight, we dine in hell," Spartan King Leonidas growls to his band of fiercely sculpted warriors. This and a dozen other rallying calls litter the film "300," Director Zack Snyder's interpretation of Frank...
300 – Movie Review (blog)
The Spartans discard imperfect babies, so that their armies are the strongest The Spartans are born to be soldiers The Spartans are taught never to retreat, never to surrender The Spartans don't take Prisoners The Spartans have descended from Hercules himself The...
THIS IS the second film about the battle in the pass at Thermopylae in August, 480 BC, when 300 Spartan troops led by their king Leonidas blocked the army of the Persian king Xerxes until a traitor showed a path to approach the Greeks from behind. In 1962 Italian...
Movie review: Even with flaws, ‘300’ is fun
What better R-rated cinematic fodder than the ancient Greek city-state of Sparta, a culture dedicated to the mastery of warfare and the maxim of “better to die than surrender”? The new period picture “300” examines the battle of Thermopylae, a famous last stand that...
I'm not usually such a huge fan of violent films. Ok, maybe I am, but I don't generally seek them out because they're violent. I want to see realism, and if there's violence then it'd better be pretty realistic too. No cutting away lest we see something icky. So I...
I'm not usually such a huge fan of violent films. Ok, maybe I am, but I don't generally seek them out because they're violent. I want to see realism, and if there's violence then it'd better be pretty realistic too. No cutting away lest we see something icky. So I...
300: Quick Review — Australia
Director: Zack Snyder (Dawn Of The Dead) Story: Based on Frank Miller's graphic novel, "300" concerns the 480 B.C. Battle of Thermopylae, where the King of Sparta led his army against the advancing Persians. What I Liked About it: * Visually, its one of the greatest...
Ridiculous War Cry!!!
Went to see 300 last night with Pop. It was good to spend some time with my old man - we don't do it often enough which is a cause of considerable guilt on my part. Dad and I share a similar interest in jingoistic epics like Gladiator et al, and I was tempted by some...
300 vs. Shooter
I just realized as I typed that title that you might be expecting now that this piece will be about who I would think would win in a fight, the 300 men of the Spartan army or Marky Mark Walhberg’s titular hero, Shooter. That isn’t what this is going to be at all...
Film Review: 300
Greek legend melds with the fantastical imagination of comic book writer Frank Miller as his epic novel comes ferociously to life in 300, a retelling of the ancient Battle of Thermopylae in which 300 valiant Spartan’s fought to the death against a massive Persian...
Opening haul by ‘300’ is a stunner
Right now, the title 300 refers to the number of sword-slingin', codpiece-sportin' Spartans who fought a behemoth horde of Persian invaders in the famous fifth century B.C. Battle of Thermopylae. In another couple of months, though, it could be a reference to the Zack...
Finally saw 300 (blog)
Dad and I went to see 300 at the Carousel Grande in Greensboro this afternoon. I've been wanting to catch this ever since it came out a few weeks ago. It's adapted from Frank Miller's graphic novel 300, which is about the Battle of Thermopylae that took place in 480...
300 Back On Top Of The World
War epic 300 continues to do battle in the world's cinemas, regaining the top spot as the globe's top film from new MR BEAN comedy, MR BEAN's HOLIDAY. The bloody movie, which recounts an ancient battle between the Spartans and Persians, took in $32 million (£16.4...
300 Back On Top Of The World
War epic 300 continues to do battle in the world's cinemas, regaining the top spot as the globe's top film from new MR BEAN comedy, MR BEAN's HOLIDAY. The bloody movie, which recounts an ancient battle between the Spartans and Persians, took in $32 million (£16.4...