Of all the films I’ve seen (and believe me, there have been many), very few have actually moved me to tears. Only two, in fact. The first being The Elephant Man, which is easily one of the most incredibly heartbreaking films ever made. The other being Dear Frankie, a...
Dear Frankie Reviews
25 Films Everyone Must See (blog)
#25: Dear Frankie As I began collecting titles of my favorite films, there were too many choices and not enough slots. Never one to deprive others from joy, I decided to expand my list from 20 to a staggering 25. I was getting a complex during the decision-making...
Dear Frankie review (blog)
Dear Frankie is the story of a mother and her son Frankie. Frankie writes letters to his dad who works on a ship, but in reality, the mother pretends to be the dad and writes back. Frankie's father left the family when Frankie was a baby. When the boat comes to their...
Dear Frankie (2005) review (blog)
Devout Frankie is one of those rare gems (somehow actually written and filmed) that come along occasionally and restore your trust in motion pictures as an art form. First off it’s just a unrepentant tear-jerker, and by the end of it I’d leaked enough duct juice to...
‘Dear Frankie’ made me weep like a little girl (blog)
Anyway, I watched 'Dear Frankie' on DVD yesterday. It's about a 9-year-old deaf boy, Frankie (Jack McElhone), who writes letters to his absent father all the time, but the letters he received from the father are actually make-believe letters written by his mother...
Dear Frankie DVD Review
Guide Rating - 4 1/2 Stars out of 5 The Bottom Line I was extremely disappointed when Miramax pulled "Dear Frankie" from its 2004 release calendar. Had it found its way into theaters last year, "Dear Frankie" would have had a spot on my Top 10 list of the Best Films...
DVD Releases for July 5, 2005
Every week films get a second chance at success from the home market; or, in some cases, a first chance at success. Here is a list of wide releases, limited releases, classics and a few from the growing TV on DVD section. Usually the first week of the month is the...
A gritty performer leaps from the shadows
"DEAR FRANKIE" (2005) Director Shona Auerbach's Scottish-made festival circuit entry tells the nominally offbeat but also seemingly predictable story of single mom Lizzie (Emily Mortimer), who for years has been secretly replying to the letters her young son, Frankie...
Bittersweet weepie that’s life-affirming
DEAR FRANKIE ***/5 Starring Jack McELhone, Emily Mrtimer, Gerard Butler,Sharon Small, Mary Riggans, Sean Brown, Jayd Johnson,John Kazek, Katy Murphy. Certificate : 15. IN an effort to hide froms her abusive ex-partner, single mother Lizzie (Mortimer) transplants...
Improbable tale leaves family with hope
There are things that happen in real life, and there are things that only happen in the movies. If the latter sometimes seem plausible, chalk it up to the power of cinema to make us believe the unbelievable. "Dear Frankie" makes a convincing case that a mother who...
What’s new on video
("Dear Frankie." Miramax. DVD. 106 min. Rated PG-13. $29.99. In stores July 5. Grade: B+.) "Dear Frankie" is the sort of film that would never have been made by an American studio. It's too warm, too sweet _ too devoid of explosions. Start with the bittersweet...
An unexpected jewel
Dear Frankie I've purchased many items from Amazon based on reviews. The beauty of the net is you'll most often get the unbridled truth. So here's mine: If you're looking for a sweet, finely-crafted and moving story, get this one. I admit it. I'm crazy about Gerard...
‘Frankie’ a quiet treasure
With "Dear Frankie," I discovered a director whose next film I will want to see. Scottish director Shona Auerbach's first feature film is "Dear Frankie," a wonderful movie about the love between a mother and son. There is a very daring moment is this film and it,...
Quiet and lyrical ‘Dear Frankie’ deserves an audience
Films like "Dear Frankie" resemble good short stories. The investment of an hour or two reaps the reward of a rich and satisfying, if brief, visit into lives both like and unlike our own. The story told in "Dear Frankie" is sweet and heartbreaking and quietly told, an...
That’s life!- The return of the everyday Hero
Finally, my hero has returned. I've been waiting for him for a while now. I was beginning to despair of fantasizing like a teenager. Ever since the last James Bond, since Russel Crowe (Gladiator), and since Rocco the porn star, I've been anticipating my new hero as...
Sincerity seals ‘Dear Frankie’
For whatever reason, the moral difficulty of raising children is rarely examined with any semblance of literary seriousness on film. Instead, this divisive but highly accessible theme is regularly reduced to being good fodder for bad comedies. That may be good news...
Deceit forges family’s bond
Lies told in the name of love are at the core of “Dear Frankie.” They’re elaborate lies. They’re inventive lies. They’re lies written by a Scottish mother to her son to shield him from painful truths about his long-absent father. In director Shona Auerbach’s lovely...
“Dear Frankie”
Four stars. This seems to be the month for enchanting little films from across the pond. Danny Boyle's "Millions" opened locally last week, and today it's followed by director/cinematographer Shona Auerbach's achingly poignant "Dear Frankie," a film as grounded in...
‘Dear Frankie’ boasts genuine warmth, heart
Sometimes, as a break from the shoot-’em-up ear-splitting of mainstream Hollywood, you just need to watch a sweet, loving film about a mother who tricks her deaf son into thinking a perfect stranger is his father. And no, that wasn’t meant to be sarcastic. Despite the...
Sweetness in ‘Dear Frankie’ Allows You to Overlook Flaws
"Dear Frankie" is sickeningly cruel or tenderly sweet. Sometimes it's one or the other; sometimes it's both at the same time. Perhaps the same statements are true of parenthood. The jarring, yet sentimental Cockney drama from first-time feature director Shona Auerbach...
Poignant Scottish Family Film Tells the Tale of Worshipful Son
Frankie, the 9-year-old boy at the center of the sweet, enormously touching Scottish film "Dear Frankie," is deaf, mute and always the new kid in town. His mother, Lizzie (Emily Mortimer), has been uprooting him every few months since he was little, moving from city...
Hope springs eternal in charming family drama
Directed by Shona Auerbach. Starring Emily Mortimer, Jack McElhone and Gerard Butler. Rating: 8 out of 10 First-time director Shona Auerbach understands what some directors never learn: that the space between words is as important as the words themselves. We see that...
Endearing tale holds its course
*** In the sweet and melancholy Dear Frankie, single mom Lizzie (Emily Mortimer) keeps up a logistically tricky subterfuge that could never work in modern life. She writes and mails letters to her deaf 9-year-old son Frankie, pretending they are from his seafaring...
Real people, real instincts make ‘Frankie’ feel right
Since you may only have a week or so to catch it, you might consider prioritizing a warm, humane Scottish movie called "Dear Frankie." There isn't any hype. You won't see anyone huckstering the film on Letterman, Oprah or Leno. "Dear Frankie" engenders word of mouth...
Gentle `Frankie’ will be dear to tolerant viewers
Scottish drama avoids the usual pitfalls for heart-tuggers about kids When you hear the plot of "Dear Frankie," you may briefly feel a wave of cynicism roll over you. But the movie has been shot with love and wisdom, and its implausible premise doesn't get in the way...