One of the Most Important Films in Years, Reviewer Says For those wondering, director Zack Snyder’s 300 isn’t a remake of the 1960 sword n’ sandals epic The 300 Spartans. The trendy word is “reimagining,” except that it’s also filtered through the eye of comic-book...
300 Reviews
Graphic novel adaptation ‘300’ a raging success
Although movies based on comic books are becoming more popular, they still aren't considered very mainstream and generally haven't been very successful. Some superhero films have certainly pulled ahead of the pack ("X-Men" and "Spider-Man" come to mind) and brought in...
300 (2007) Movie Review (Blog)
My Advice: Matinee. King Leonidas (Butler) is the ruler of Sparta. Sparta, and the rest of Greece, happens to be in the path of Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) and his massive Persian army. Xerxes sends a messenger with a simple request: submit or we'll kick your ass. Seems...
300 Redefines epic as only 300 buff, sweaty Spartans
[i]Thanks to The Butlers Wife for this review![/i] 4 of 5 stars “Our arrows will blot out the sun.” “Then we shall fight in the shade.” Would you have the balls to say this facing “the 1,000 nations of the Persian Empire”? In 300, Spartan warrior Stelios (Michael...
‘300’ Is Something to See
[i]Thank you to Ann for sending in this review![/i] When Rudolph Maté's epic about the Battle of Thermopylae, "The 300 Spartans," was released in 1962, it arrived at the tail end of Hollywood's longest sword-and-sandals cycle. Critics and audiences promptly ignored...
300: A Film for the Bravehearts (Blog)
‘300′- the 117 minute Action drama starring Gerard Butler, has all the blood and violence needed to keep the adrenaline flowing in your veins. The film, directed by Zack Snyder, is a journey back into the era when the toughest decision were taken in the most barbaric...
300 Review (Blog)
Of the movies being released this year, 300 may well have been the one I was most looking forward. In my youth one of my favourite films was 300 Spartans. And years ago I read the graphic novel 300 by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley. Loving both the 1962 movie and the...
ReelFanatic: 300 Review
When you're watching the spectacle that is Zack Snyder and Frank Miller's "300," I can certainly see why it's tempting to forget that this is simply a comic book movie. Granted, an ambitious and nearly flawlessly rendered one, but a comic book movie all the same. So,...
You want action? Unique ‘300’ delivers the goods
MACHISMO is dished out in big helpings when the Spartans stand up to the Persians in the latest version of the Battle of Thermopylae. The result, Zack Snyder's "300," is a wild testosterone cartoon that is neither historical nor hysterical but somewhere in between -...
” 300 ” posts box office triumph (Blog)
I took my family ( minus my wife-sorry hon! ) to see ” 300 “, and while my daughter really did not care for it, nor my Mom ( which pretty much means my wife would not have liked it either ) my daughter’s boyfriend Brett and I enjoyed it and my friend and sometime...
300’s Glorious Excess / Excessive Glories
I will seriously do whatever you want if you stop yelling at me. Everything about 300 is extraordinary and over-the-top. The performances, the violence, the neo-con rhetoric, the reliance on computer-generated abs, the gore, the nudity, the slow-motion – everything....
‘300’: Full-bore gore
[b]A full-bore gore, total-immersion and visually thrilling battle experience that's not for the faint hearted[/b] All you sissies and pantywaists, out of the theatre. This means you, Skippy, cowering in the corner with your man purse and your granola bar. The Spartan...
Frank Miller Outdid Himself With ‘300’
Before leaving Friday evening for a particular movie theater in Orlando, I decided to read one last review of "300," which opens this weekend. It was from CNN, and they didn't like it. "It's not so much the body count or even the bloodlust that's disturbing," CNN's...
“300” freshens up history-telling
From the moments its trailer hit the Internet and theaters, "300" left people gaping at the beauty that could be found in 30 seconds of footage. Graphic novelist Frank Miller, also the mastermind behind "Sin City," divulges the epic tale of historical Battle of...
Sparta battles Persia in ripping graphic epic ‘300’
THREE OUT OF FOUR STARS Frank Miller has retained a modicum of control over how his graphic novels (don’t call them “comic books”) are brought to the screen, whether by holding out for the best offer and participating in the production. “Sin City” (2005) was a...
‘300’: A Losing Battle in More Ways Than 1
Go tell the Spartans that their sacrifice was not in vain; their long day's fight under the cooling shade of a million falling arrows safeguarded the West and guaranteed, all these years later, the right of idiots to make rotten movies about them. The story has been...
Startling imagery of ‘300’ is something to see
Film doesn’t have fully rounded characters, but it is a visual spectacle When Rudolph Mate’s epic about the Battle of Thermopylae, “The 300 Spartans,” was released in 1962, it arrived at the tail end of Hollywood’s longest sword-and-sandals cycle. Critics and...
Nothing Spartan about 300
Before there was an Alamo – or an Agincourt, or an Iwo Jima – there was the Battle of Thermopylae, ancient Greece's official entry in the "all-time great last stands" sweepstakes. From a numbers standpoint, it presents a nearly unbeatable scenario: 300 Spartans,...
Hail to the Spartans
Neither history nor cinema is especially well served by "300," which is, nonetheless, a remarkable intersection of technology and imagination. The battle at Thermopylae in 480 B.C., a suicidal last stand by an army of Spartans and Thespians estimated at about 5,000,...
‘300’: Exiled In Guyville
Zack Snyder raises Frank Miller's brutalist comic-book aesthetic to a bloody new level. Also: The attack of 'The Host.' Robert Rodriguez's "Sin City" was an eye-frying accomplishment — the movie lifted Frank Miller's stark noir fantasy world straight off the...
Stunning scenes of ancient war stem from graphic-novel roots
"300," a visually spectacular and blood-drenched adaptation of Frank Miller and Lynn Varley's graphic novel, turns ancient war into a ballet of death. The film's origins on a painted page are evident in its stylized images and stunning cinematography. You could call...
Blood tsunami (3 1/2 out of 4 stars)
"300" touts the most epic, ensanguined battles the viewing public has ever seen "300" Warner Bros. Pictures Directed by Zack Snyder Written by Zack Snyder and Kurt Johnstad, based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller Starring: Gerard Butler, Lena Hedley, David Wenham,...
Review: ‘300’ An Artistic Triumph
Historical Epic Not Perfect, But Heartily Completes Mission = There are moments of surreal beauty and wonder in "300," the bloody new war epic based around the popular Frank Miller graphic novel about the legendary Battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C. -- unforgettable...
300 triumphs against all odds
Sure, there's no plot. But half-naked beefcakes in battle is high-octane fun 300 Warning: 18A: Explicit violence. 117minutes Grade: B+ Take the nine-odd hours of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, edit out most of the story, the getting-lost-in-the-swamps, the...
Stylish, violent and true to <strike>history</strike> comic books
Read the movie's 3-star review MOVIE DETAILS 300 Movie Type Action/Adventure, Drama, War MPAA Rating R for graphic battle sequences throughout, some sexuality and nudity Running Time 117 minutes Directed By Zack Snyder Cast David Wenham, Dominic West, Gerard Butler,...