DVD Releases for July 5, 2005

July 8, 2005 | Dear Frankie Reviews, Uncategorized

Every week films get a second chance at success from the home market; or, in some cases, a first chance at success. Here is a list of wide releases, limited releases, classics and a few from the growing TV on DVD section. Usually the first week of the month is the busiest, but not this month. However, just because it’s a slow week doesn’t mean there isn’t a well deserving film for the DVD pick of the week, namely Bride and Prejudice.

Dear Frankie
The film did well for a limited release hitting $1 million despite never playing in a 100 theatre or more, this was mostly thanks to excellent reviews. But unlike many limited releases, film released isn’t being dumped on the home market on a featureless disc. In fact, it has the same level of special features as many first run releases including audio commentary, deleted and extended scenes (also with audio commentary), interviews and more.

Publication: The Numbers News – DVD Releases
Author: C.S.Strowbridge

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